Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Holding my breath!

Could this be it?  Is today the last day of hell-fire and brimstone?  Weather channel says high of 98 for little, old Paducah and then it has the 80s for the next 10 days.   Hate to get excited.  I know September can hold quite a summer punch sometimes.  I know Fall is still a good 6 weeks away, but I am dreaming of pumpkins, crunching leaves, and cinnamon sticks!

Keep Madeline in your prayers.  This week has been very hard on her.  I accidently fed her something with milk in it on Sunday night after church and within an hour, she was screaming in pain.  It went on for a while.  Kept her home on Monday so she could be near a bathroom.  I thought it had passed but Monday night came and she had another violent episode of stomach pain.  I didn't know what to do...Troy was in Clarksville, Molly was, I asked her if she wanted to go to the hospital and she said yes.  We went to the ER and it was going to be four-five hours so I gave her another dose of phenobarbital to help with the pain and took her home to sleep.  The next morning we went to her pediatrician and he said the initial allergy on Sunday night, attacked her stomach and intestinal lining and it might take a week or two to feel better while it healed.  He put her on another medicine to help the healing.  Anyway, she is better today and off to school.

Anyone feel the big shaker yesterday?  We didn't but down here we are always in apprehension over the "BIG" one to come.  I know it is only a matter of time before the New Madrid opens up and swallows us all down....eeeeekkkkkk!  Come look for me, dear friends and family!

For those who have followed the drama, Troy and I had a big, black tumor removed on Monday.  Yes, who knew that a very nice black GMC Sierra could cause so much pain when you were carrying it on your back!  The economy pressing down on it made it much heavier, but alas we were unable to unload the monster and now we get to start afresh.  However, I know my husband misses his big man toy.  He has to share my car for a while...wonder how that will be:)  What we learned from the truck phase of our life....NOT ALL COMPANIES OFFER A CAR be careful!

Hope you are all doing well!  We love you and miss you and are praying daily for you!

1 comment:

  1. Correction...We were ABLE to unload the truck! Not Unable...
